How to pick your Maid of Honor

So you have got the ring on it, well it’s time to go crazy with the wedding preparations. Location, the dress, the flowers, decoration, the list seems to go on and on. You can’t handle this craze maze on your own so what you need first and foremost is a sincere and well trusted person a.k.a your maid of honor to organize all the wedding shenanigans while you enjoy all the special treatment and attention before your big day. If you are one of those socially introvert kind of a person with few selected friends and small family, then I believe picking your maid of honor won’t be that big of an issue. But if you (like me) are a true social butterfly with big family and a huge circle of friends, then welcome to mad house. Just kidding. Picking up your maid of honor is one of the most important decision you will make regarding your big day and trust me one of the most emotional one too. It’s a great big job that you just can’t hand over to anyone. It should be someone who understands you on a personal level and is competent enough to do the task efficiently, someone who holds you important enough to run from pillar to post to make this day, the happiest day of your life. So here are a few tips which could help you choose you maid of honor.

Your maid of honor should be well-organized and crafty. Someone who can help you with all the main tasks of your wedding, like shopping for a wedding dress, deciding color scheme, planning parties such as bridal showers or wedding rehearsals

You should always be aware of what is going on in your maid of honor’s life. She could be all perfect and well-ordered, but if she is going through some personal stuff of her own, like having a baby or going through a relationship problem, it’s better not to burden her with your matters.

Your maid of honor should be friendly and open minded. Someone who just doesn’t enjoy her title but takes it seriously and get the job done right. Distributing the tasks amongst the other bridesmaids so they don’t feel left out and someone who owns her mistakes and try to make them right are few of the very essential qualities a maid of honor should have.

And last but not the least your maid of honor is not someone you employ to organize your wedding. She should be someone who cares for you deeply and wants to see you happy. If you find someone like this, well then there is no way your wedding will be the happiest day of your life.

Good luck.

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